The Virtual Interactive Strategy World Is Here!
To meet a need accentuated by the pandemic experience we have developed virtual ways to learn and practice Prometheus. They work! We have already conducted two virtual Academies and we are in the midst of a virtual strategy development program. We believe you will find our virtual approaches to be interesting and useful; to that end, we decided to do a Zoom Meeting to tell you about the programs and solicit your ideas.
We hope you will join us for this interactive event. We look forward to seeing you again—and perhaps in a few cases meeting some new people—and exchanging ideas with you.
See You Friday!
WHEN: AUGUST 28, 2020
The purpose of this Zoom Meeting is four-fold: give you a short overview of our new programs; share with you some of the techniques we have used (some of which you might find applicable for your own purposes); ask if you have any ideas or suggestions for our programs–perhaps based on what you have been doing elsewhere in the virtual world; and to give you a special opportunity to participate in one or more of our new programs.
- Welcome 1:00 to 1:05
- Overview and live demonstration of the interactive tools 1:05 to 1:25
- Group Discussion 1:25 to 1:40
- Invitations to sign up 1:40 to 1:45
MEETING LINK: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87072401941?pwd=OXI0QmdUWTA3d1UyR0RxSVFvdDJFQT09
MEETING ID: 870 7240 1941
PASSCODE: 954330