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full deployment grand strategy 

custom designed

A Prometheus Process full deployment engages an entire organization or business unit in the development and implementation of a grand strategy. An engagement like this requires fifteen to twenty contact days spread over four to six months.
Custom-designed for the organization that wants to make a radical change in direction and wants the whole organization to be contributing strategically. A typical deployment includes the following:
Senior Management — 6 days in two or three sessions separated by two to four weeks to become conversant with process and to create a draft Grand Strategy;
Second and Third Echelon Management — 3 days to become familiar with process, to refine draft Grand Strategy, and to begin campaigns;
Campaign Operations — 3 to 5 single days over three to five months to accelerate campaigns; and
End Games and Summary — 2 to 3 days to develop end game plans for success and failure and to conclude the Grand Strategy phase.
Expect major business results in accordance with the plan and timeline.


Accelerated Strategy Program 

for senior executives

In this program, a small group of senior executives spend one to three hours periodically (biweekly, for example) receives a very short summary of a Prometheus Concept followed by proposing content for that section. Venturist strategy experts then combine the ideas into a finished product for the relevant section and circulated the draft electronically for comments which are incorporate before the next session which begins with a short review of the draft followed by introduction of the next Prometheus step. An organization can prepare a functional strategy using this approach in 6 to 8 weeks. Senior executives can expect to spend an average of 3-4 hours a week in some combination of attending development meetings and reviewing circulated drafts.