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focused Initiative strategy 

three day program

This program is for the management group that wants to develop a great strategy for a new initiative such as a new product introduction, a new customer group campaign, or a new business venture. The program uses the Prometheus Process but abbreviates some of the steps that would be used to develop a full organization grand strategy. The deliverables are : measurable strategic objectives with timeline (Future Picture); identification of needed external and internal system change; resource application points (Centers of Gravity) and what they must become (Impact Plans); a campaign plan for a compressed timeframe (Parallel Operations); identification of exit points and plans (End-game planning); behavior guidelines (Guiding Precepts); and strategic principles assessment (Cardinal Rules). This is a three-day program.

full deployment grand strategy 

custom designed

A Prometheus Process full deployment engages an entire organization or business unit in the development and implementation of a grand strategy. An engagement like this requires fifteen to twenty contact days spread over four to six months.
Custom-designed for the organization that wants to make a radical change in direction and wants the whole organization to be contributing strategically. A typical deployment includes the following:
Senior Management — 6 days in two or three sessions separated by two to four weeks to become conversant with process and to create a draft Grand Strategy;
Second and Third Echelon Management — 3 days to become familiar with process, to refine draft Grand Strategy, and to begin campaigns;
Campaign Operations — 3 to 5 single days over three to five months to accelerate campaigns; and
End Games and Summary — 2 to 3 days to develop end game plans for success and failure and to conclude the Grand Strategy phase.
Expect major business results in accordance with the plan and timeline.